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Genocide USA
This is a pamphlet given out at the 1967 National Conference on Black Power, a historic gathering of leaders in the Black Power movement. It contains National CORE Director Floyd Mckissick's speech to the gathering. It marks a strong shift to Black…
photo of Harlem CORE chairmen Roy Innis + Victor Solomon
photo of Gladys Harrington, New York CORE chairman (1961-1963)
She was chairman when the chapter was still in midtown Manhattan and remained chairman of New York…
This is a copy of the national news letter. I picked this edition because it contains a story of the school boycotts that Harlem CORE helped organize in 1964.
CORE 'Freedom Now' button
CORE Rules for Action
This is a pamphlet given out to all potential members and members, describing CORE's definition of non-violent tactics to be used in demonstrations , protests, etc.
This is CORE
A CORE pamphlet, given to all new members and potential members, recruitment tool. Take note of how the drawing of Gandhi is featured on it's cover.
All About CORE
A CORE pamphlet, centered on Southern workers, used to recruit new members.
National CORE membership card
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