1960 photo of New York CORE chairman Gladys Harrington, James Peck and Rioghan Kirchner (Brooklyn CORE)

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  • 1960 photo of New York CORE chairman Gladys Harrington, James Peck and Rioghan Kirchner (Brooklyn CORE)

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1960 photo of New York CORE chairman Gladys Harrington, James Peck and Rioghan Kirchner (Brooklyn CORE)


Harlem CORE chairmen


This is a 1960 photo of New York CORE chairman Gladys Harrington (Black female) with James Peck (White male) and Rioghan Kirchner (White female). It was taken at that summer's 'Fast for Freedom' at the Statue of Liberty in support of the Woolworth demonstrations.
Harrington started out as the New York CORE chairman when the chapter was still in midtown Manhattan. She remained chairman after the chapter moved uptown to Harlem.
British born Kirchner was the housing committee chairman of Brooklyn CORE before eventually becoming vice chairman.
The Black male at the end is at this time.


Brooklyn Public Library


Brooklyn CORE Historical Collection




"1960 photo of New York CORE chairman Gladys Harrington, James Peck and Rioghan Kirchner (Brooklyn CORE)," in Harlem CORE, Item #233, http://www.harlemcore.com/omeka/items/show/233 (accessed October 22, 2024).